

Welcome to Citybreak online documentation. Here you will find information related to Citybreak online widgets, template pages and tracking.

If you can find the information you are looking, or if the information in incorrect. Please contact us at and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Domain & Https

Domain - DNS setup

Add a DNS record with type CNAME and point to Make sure there is no proxying if you use Cloudflare! When this is done Citybreak will connect the subdomain to your Citybreak online.

External testing tool example: - Check result on the authoritative tab.


Https - SSL information

We require all CB online implementations to use SSL/HTTPS Certificate. Citybreak online uses Let’s Encrypt service, via Cloudflare that enable us to easy add certificates on your sub domains including auto renewal.

Template Page

Citybreak Online enables customization by offering the possibility to include a template page for header and footer. The template page is provided by setting an absolute URL to an HTML page containing a placeholder element where the Citybreak online booking engine will be injected. This gives the user ability to use their own header and footer as well as other static resources such as style sheets and JavaScripts.

A responsive template page is strongly recommended.

Citybreak online template page solution

Brief description


Note: Consultning or troubleshooting a tempate will be debited with standard hour rate.

Optional functionality

> Usually tracking script tags look like this:

<script type="text/javascript">

> In our example we have a cookie consent solution which has categorized tracking scripts using a CSS class 'optanon-category-C0002'.
> We modify our template accordingly

<script data-cb-template-trackerscript="" type="text/plain" class="optanon-category-C0002">    

> This will cause tracking scripts to be rendered as below and execution to be handed over to the control of your cookie consent solution, using script-tag rewriting:

<script type="text/plain" class="optanon-category-C0002">

Scripts rendered by the Online that perform tracking are categorized into one category, decorate the <script data-cb-template-trackerscript> tag with the attributes used by your cookie consent solution to categorize scripts that perform tracking.

The online will use the attributes of the script tag as a template when producing script tags containing trackers.

Your cookie consent solution needs to support script-tag rewriting which is one of the most efficient methods of preventing cookies controlled by script tags being set without consent. This method requires the least amount of change to your site.

Most cookie consent solutions work by categorizing scripts by HTML attributes.

When the above code loads, JavaScript inside the tags will not run, and no cookies will be set. Then, when the Cookie Compliance code loads, if cookies for the associated group have consent, it will dynamically change the tag to: script type=text/javascript – the code inside the tags will then be recognized and run as normal.

Note: Its not allowed to add more then one <script data-cb-template-trackerscript> in the tempalte page

Language select feature

Language select feature (if multiple languages are configured for the specific guide and a span with id attribute cb_replace_languages_select is encountered).

Note: not supported in one domain implementations

Reference currency

Reference currency select feature (if multiple refence currency’s are configured for the specific guide and a span with id attribute cb_replace_referencecurrency_select is encountered).

This can also be implemented by adding a parameter to the CB online URLs.


Values sample:


Note: not supported in one domain implementations


Detailed description

This section will go into the details of how to create your external header footer.

Error reporting

If something goes wrong during the creation of the header/footer include from Citybreak, the error will be reported as a .NET stack trace in a comment at the bottom of the HTML generated. The standard header footer of Citybreak online will be used meanwhile.


Form tags If a form tag is encountered in the header/footer include document that has a child element that defines special functionality for Citybreak online (such as the content div or language span, described below), the form will simply be removed and replaced by an HTML comment that states that the tag was removed. Form tags that do not interfere with Citybreak functionality will be preserved.

.NET Viewstate

If a hidden input field with the name attribute set to ‘__VIEWSTATE’ is encountered, it will be replaced with a comment stating the field was removed. If you are using .NET WebForms a form tag will most likely wrap the entire page. That form element will be removed (since it wraps all elements of the page, and we want to make sure that we don’t pass too much unnecessary data back and forth from the client to the server).

Citybreak Online content div

<div id="cb_init_bookingengine">
     <h1>Booking engine goes here.</h1>

The Citybreak online will download the file, parse it, modify it as necessary and split the content in two parts: one header and one footer. You should define a div tag with the id attribute set to ‘cb_init_bookingengine’ where you would like the Citybreak online content to be injected.

Everything within this div element will be ignored and replaced by the Citybreak online content. In this case will the h1 tag be ignored and the specific requested Citybreak online page will be inserted there instead. If this tag is omitted the header/footer has no meaning in the context of Citybreak online and will be dealt with according to section Error reporting.

Change language

<span id="cb_replace_languages_select"></span> 

If the online guide implements more than one language, a change language control can be included into the header/footer document. Just include a span tag where you wish to insert the language change controls.

The id attribute must be the specific ‘cb_replace_languages_select’. Everything in the span will be ignored and replaced with a form element which has some hidden fields as well as select box with available languages and an input type submit control. This will enable the user to change language and still end up at the same page as currently is viewed.

Title tag

The contents of the title tag will be replaced with a title appropriate for the Citybreak online page that is displayed. This title is generated from Citybreak online and can not be changed from the include file.

Relative href/src URL rewriting

All elements that have attributes named href or src will be tried to be rewritten in the context of the URL where the page was downloaded from. That is, Citybreak online will try to rewrite relative paths to absolute paths.

If the include file was found at and a tag in that document is defined as /css/base.css the tag will be rewritten to the definition It applies to all elements with the attribute href or src, meaning it applies to link tags, script tags, img tags etc, etc.

Meta keyword inject

If a specific page in Citybreak online defines specific keywords to be used, it will create a new meta tag with them. If a meta keywords tag already exists in the header/footer document, Citybreak online will append the specific keywords to it.

Meta description inject

If no meta description tag is defined on the page, Citybreak online will create one and append it to the document. If one exists in the include document, Citybreak online will append its own description to the tag.

Meta refresh

If meta refresh is defined on the include page, it will be removed. In rare cases Citybreak Citybreak online will define a refresh tag.

Meta content charset

Citybreak online will remove all elements that define meta http-equiv and replace it with the following:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />


If meta tags to hint robots are encountered they are preserved, except for pages that Citybreak online defines as local. Those pages will be tagged as noindex, nofollow. If requested we can set the Citybreak online entirely as noindex

Head re-ordering

Citybreak online will reorder the tags in the head. The elements will be rearranged according to this order:

  1. Title element.
  2. Meta tags.
  3. Link definitions from header.
  4. Citybreak online link definitions.
  5. Explicit style definition from header.
  6. Script definitions from header.
  7. Script definitions from Citybreak online.
  8. Content Script definitions.

Injected CSS classes

The Citybreak online will inject class names on specific tags in the include file where applicable for styling purposes.

Conventions used

CSS class names To make it harder for CSS class names to interfere, the Citybreak online team preambles all its internal CSS classes with either Citybreak or cb_.

CSS web fonts

When using custom fonts in the header/footer template, access must be granted for your Citybreak online sub-domain. This applies to both 3rd party services such as Typekit, as well as hosted fonts declared via @font-face CSS rules.


Citybreak online inserts some CSS classes into the class attribute of the Body element based on what section of Citybreak online is active. This enables you to do special styling based on the currently active section, and these values are also accessible from javascript. It also inserts the currently active language. The body tag always has a class of cb_citybreak_body when Citybreak online is active.

Language The currenly active language is inserted prepended by cb_lang_ , e.g cb_lang_sv or cb_lang_en

Section The currently active section is indicate with a cb_ prefix followed by the name of the section. The following values are used:

Section Class
Accommodation cb_accommodation
Basket cb_checkout
Basket & Payment pages cb_basket
Payment page cb_basket cb_progress
Events cb_event
Todo cb_activity
Ferry cb_ferry
Add-ons / Complementary information cb_complementary
Packages cb_package


Citybreak online uses the jQuery JavaScript library. The specific jQuery handle is called ‘‘‘citybreakjq’’’ and should never be interfered with.

Extra url parameters

If you want to compare your CB online url with and with out the template page loaded you can user this URL parameter:


If you want to load all System translation strings on a url you can user this parameter:



What are cookies

Cookies are small text files stored on your device to identify your browser across different visits and web pages. Cookies can be used both on behalf of Citybreak online as the e-com solution, CMS/website provider or on behalf of others (third party cookies).

Mandatory Cookies

Cookies necessary for the Citybreak online to function and cannot be switched off in our systems.

Description of Citybreak Online cookies

Mandatory cookies

None of the mandatory cookies stores personal data.

Optional cookies

See information under template page or click here


Citybreak online comes with a set of standard widgets in relation to the implementation. The widgets are JavaScript widgets that are easy to integrate with a few lines of code.

All widget got a sctipt tag loaded asynchronously Example script:

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/...</script>

And a div tag that that you add where the widget will be inserted into the page. Example div: <div id="[id needed for widget]"></div> See example for the widget you need below.


Widget types

Searchform widgets - Used for a search or filtering for prodcuts per of guide.

Searchform widget are user if you want to have a singel searchform widget loaded on the page. (if you need to load 2 widget on 1 page see combine widget (LINK))

Accommodation searchform

Accommodation searchform example:
<div id="citybreak_accommodation_searchform_widget"></div>

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/accommodationwidget/searchform"></script>

Use for multi property accommodation, search will target

Parameter type Example value Description
defaultCategoryId int 123456 Set default category in the widget. CBIS category id is needed.
lockCategory Bool true Use this parameter to lock down the category dropdown, when this is set then the dropdown with the categories will be hidden.
geoNodeId int 123456 Set default geonode in the widget. CBIS geonode id is needed.
cbispids int 123456 Set default products in the widget. CBIS prodcut id is needed.
defaultArrivalDate Date 2023-03-12 A valid date to set the default arrival date in the widget, the format of the date must be the same as the format of the requested widget
defaultDepartureDate Date 2023-03-13 A valid date to set the default departure date in the widget, the format of the date must be the same as the format of the requested widget
promotionCode String Promo_2023 Use this parameter if you want to set a promotion code in the promotion code field.
css   [url] Add absolute url to you custom hosted CSS.

Parameter for number of rooms and guests

You define the number of adults and children (including the child’s age) that will stay in each room as parameters in the direct search, so called ”Room configuration”. It can for example be a search with two rooms where the first room shall have two adults and the other room shall have one adult and a child with age 5.

Parameter type Example value Description
&pr String &pr=1 (One room with one adults is entered) This is the base parameter for the room configuration that shall be searched.
a String &pr=1a10 (One room with one adult and one child (10 yrs) is entered) The separator between adults and children.
r String &pr=1r1r1 (One room with one adult and two children (10, 12 yrs) is entered) The separator if the search is made on more rooms than one.
c String &pr=1a10c12(Two rooms with one adult and two children (10, 12 yrs) in the first room and two adults in the second room is entered) The separator if the search shall be made on more than one child.

Activity searchform

Activity searchform example: 
<div id="citybreak_activity_searchform_widget"></div> 

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/activitywidget/searchform"></script>

Use for multi product todos, search/fitler will target

Ferry searchform

Ferry searchform example:
<div id="citybreak_ferry_searchform_widget"></div> 

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/ferrywidget/searchform"></script>

Use for external ferry search

Flight searchform

Flight searchform example:
<div id="citybreak_flight_searchform_widget"></div> 

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/flightwidget/searchform"></script>

Use for external flight search

Parameter type Example value Description
defaultArrivalDate String 2023-03-12 Set default default arrival date.
defaultDepartureDate String 2023-03-13 Set default default departure date.
preselectFlexibleDates Bool True Use to preselect flexible date search.
preselectedEndLocationId Int 123456 Use to preselect a end location id (Travelswitch(agregatror) location id).
lockEndLocation Bool True Use to locked/disabled changing the end location.
sgid Int 123456 Use to preselect start location using a CBIS geonode id.
css   [url] Add absolute url to you custom hosted CSS.

Combine widget - Used if you want to load 2 or more widgets on the same page.

Combine Accommodation and ferry searchform example:
<div id="citybreak_accommodation_searchform_widget"></div>
<div id="citybreak_ferry_searchform_widget"></div>

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/combinewidget/combine?c=accommodationwidget&c=ferrywidget&a=searchform&a=searchform&p=defaultCategoryId=1345;defaultRoomCfg=2&p=alignDirection=2"></script>

You have 3 parameters what has to be included.

Type Parameter Example value Description
Controller c= c=accommodationwidget&c=ferrywidget Names of controllers for the desired widgets
Action a= a=searchform&a=searchform Names of actions for the widget controllers specified in the “c” parameter
Parameter p= p=defaultCategoryId=1345;defaultRoomCfg=2&p=alignDirection=2 Parameters to each widget action specified by the “c” and “a” parameters. To pass multiple parameters to a widget, use a semicolon-separated list of keys and values

Product & package widgets - Used to load a product or package booking widget

Activity & merchandise product widget

Activity product example:
<div id="citybreak_activity_booking_widget"></div>
<div id="activity_booking_widget-[ID]"></div>

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/activitywidget/booking"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    document.addEventListener('cb-activity-widget-loaded', function() {
      console.log('Activity booking widget loaded');
        window.citybreakActivityBooking.initContainer(document.getElementById('activity_booking_widget-[ID]'), {
          cbisProductId: [ID],
          proceedToBasket: true
    }, false);

Activity & merchandise product booking widget - load one per page. (you can load multipe products in one script if needed.)

Parameter type Example value Description
cbisProductId Int 123456 CBIS product id, We reccomend that you keep this ID on all elements See [ID] in example.
proceedToBasket Bool true (or false) Use to proceed to basket(checkout) or stay on widget page?
css   [url] Add absolute url to you custom hosted CSS.
defaultDate Date 2023-06-11 Use JavaScript “new” date format, default selected date
startDate Date 2023-07-01 Use JavaScript “new” date format, widget start date selectable date
endDate Date 2023-07-01 Use JavaScript “new” date format, maximum selectable date
enablePromocode Bool true (or false) Whether field for entering promocode will be visible in the widget. If parameter is not added widget defaults to false.

*cbisProductId is requierd

iTicket Activity Transport widget

iTicket Activity Transport example:
<div id="citybreak_activity_transport_searchform_widget"></div>

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/activitytransportwidget/searchform?cbisProductId=[ID]"></script>

Use for iticket transport products.

Parameter type Example value Description
cbisProductId Int 123456 CBIS product id, product to display the widget.
proceedToBasket Bool true (or false) Use to proceed to basket(checkout) or stay on widget page?
css   [url] Add absolute url to you custom hosted CSS.
preferredDate Date 2023-06-11 A valid date to set the default initially selected date in the widget, the format of the date must be the same as the format of the requested widget. If the preferred date is not available it will fall back to default behavior.
preferredDeparture Date 2023-06-11 Id of the location that will be initially selected as departure location. If not available it will fallback to default behavior.
preferredArrival Date 2023-07-01 Id of the location that will be initially selected as arrival location. If not available it will fallback to default behavior.
enablePromocode Bool true (or false) Whether field for entering promocode will be visible in the widget. If parameter is not added widget defaults to false.
tripType String oneway (or roundtrip) Set selected trip type onload roundtrip OR oneway, only work for iticket product with a trip type as option of course.

*cbisProductId id required

iTicket Bookingflow widgets

For iTicket BookingFlow widgets contact our support, then we’ll provide you with the widget(s).

What is a Token? A token will provide the needed parameters to control the widget. Please take a look at the parameter below.

Parameter type Example value Description
cbisProductId Int 123456 CBIS product id, product to display the widget.
startDateISO Date 2024-12-24 A valid date to set the default initially selected date in the widget.
promotionCode String MyPromoCode Add the promocode you want to load with the widget as active.
proceedToBasket true (or false) Use to proceed to basket(checkout) or stay on widget page?  
referenceCurrency String USD Use ISO format to set reference currency.
display String Button Selected Display type: Standard, Collapsed or Button.
allowOverride Bool False Used to toggle external URL parameter override, can be useful if you want to automate widgets in your CMS.
iTicket BookingFlow widgets example:
<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]//widget?token=[Unique Token ID]"></script>

<div id="[Unique Token ID]"></div>

Accommodation product widget

Accommodation prodcut example:
<div id="citybreak_accommodation_property_widget"></div>

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/accommodationPropertyWidget/searchform?productid=[ID]"></script>

Use for one accommodation property.

Parameter type Example value Description
*productId Int 123456 CBIS product id, product to display the widget. You can only use one product per widget.
css   [url] Add absolute url to you custom hosted CSS.

Dynamic packages widgets

For Dynamic packages widgets contact our support, then we’ll provide you with the widget(s).

What is a Token? A token will provide the needed parameters to control the widget. Please take a look at the parameter below.

Parameter type Example value Description
cbisProductId Int 123456 CBIS product id, package to display the widget.
allowOverride Bool False Used to toggle external URL parameter override, can be useful if you want to automate widgets in your CMS.
Dynamic package example:
<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]//widget?token=[Unique Token ID]"></script>

<div id="[Unique Token ID]"></div>

Basket widget - Used if you want to have a shopping cart in the CMS and in your template page.

Basket example if anchor:
<a id="citybreak_basket_widget_display" href="javascript:void(0);"></a>
<div id="citybreak_basket_widget_summary"></div>

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/basketwidget/widget"></script>
Basket example if span:
<span id="citybreak_basket_widget_display" tabindex="0"></span>
<div id="citybreak_basket_widget_summary"></div>

<script async type="text/javascript" src="//[online-host]/[culture]/basketwidget/widget"></script>

The basket widget can be used within or outside of the Citybreak online template page. When the basket widget is used within the template the script tag must be omitted.

FYI: The collapsed widget div <div id="citybreak_basket_widget_summary"></div> is not Styled from Citybreak system.

Note: citybreak_basket_widget_display is a optional trigger


Citybreak online tracking alternativs and technical information.

Booking tracking id

(NOTE: This is a legacy feature will be removed later on. This feature only work with redirect PSP integrations.)

The booking tracking feature is a simple way for a client to track whether or not certain bookings were referred to by a tracking key or not.

A tracking key is a text string which could be any value, it could be provided through a direct link or within a widget.

Once a tracking key is set it will remain alive for 30 days unless the cookie is manually deleted, everytime a request is done with the same tracking key the period of 30 days will refresh and start over.

If an already existing tracking key is set it will never be overridden by another key, meaning that the first key must expire before a new one can be set.

Referral statistics can be obtained by creating one of following reports in

Within these reports there’s a column which represents which tracking key was used on a booking level, if there was one present.

Paramerter: ?tid=[your value]

Direct link sample //[online-host]/[culture]/[slug]?tid=mytrackingkey

Custom conversion tracking

To make your script work for your organization you need to configure it. To do so you need to change the variables in your script with the variable names below. This custum scripts are added to the booking confirmaiton page.

Parameter Description
{bookingcode} Booking number, e.g. ABCD12.
{bookingvalue} Total sum of customers booking.
{customerfirstname} Customers first name
{customersurname} Customers surname
{randomnumber} Generates a random number
{date} Time stamp
{isodate} Time stamp (yyyy-MM-dd)
{currency} Currency
{zipcode} Zipcode
{bookingJSONObject} Booking information serialized as a JSON object, assign it to a javascript variable. If serialization fails {bookingJSONObject} will be replaced by undefined, so guard for it. Empty arrays are not serialized. All numbers are formatted as strings to the customer language culture.

Example of {bookingJSONObject} usage:

var booking = {bookingJSONObject}; Will generate: var booking = { “BookingCode”: “ABCD12”, “City”: “asd”, “Country”: “SE”, “State”: “asd”, “TotalAmount”: “600.0”, “TotalTax”: “64.29”, “Products”: [{ “Id”: “123456”, “Name”: “Hotell_name/room_name”, “Category”: “Accommodation/Hotelroom”, “Price”: “600.0”, “Quantity”: “1”, “DocumentUrls”: [“”] }] };

<script type="text/javascript" src="//{bookingvalue}&cur={currency}&order={bookingcode}&rand={randomnumber}">

Google tracking (GA4)

Citybreak online googles tracking options.

Example of Google analytics 4 gtag.js

<!-- Begin - Google tag (gtag.js) and Google Analytics v4 DataLayer-->
<script type="text/javascript">
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag() { dataLayer.push(arguments); }
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'G-[ID]');
Example of Google tag manager (*with ga4* datalayer) gtm.js

<!-- Begin - Google Tag Manager v4 (gtm.js) DataLayer and Events-->
<script type="text/javascript">
                                new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],



A tracker property is implemented in Citybreak admin per online. To add or remove your tracker propertys, contact our support with the [online id] or [url to the ecom] and the tracker property you want to add or remove.

Example: “Please add this tracker property “G-[ID]” or GTM-[ID]” to onlineid: [add identifier] OR url to citybreak online booking


Do you need help with the google tools or your metric plan? Don’t worry! Our trackerpartner, BBO is ready to assist you. Contact them through this email:

view_cart - This event signifies that a user viewed their cart.

Fires on .../basket

Example output

			'ecommerce': {
                            'currency': "SEK",
			    'value': 1234.00,
                            'items': [{
                    'item_name': "My product",
                    'item_id': "123456",
		    'item_brand': "My supplier",
                    'price': 1234.00,
                    'item_category': "Accommodation",
                    'quantity': 1,
                    'affiliation': "1234567890"
Name Type Example value Description
currency String SEK Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.
value Number 1234.00 Value of products in the cart
items Array See Items The items for the event.

Items parameters

Name Type Example value Description
item_id String 123456 Citybreak product id
item_name String My product Citybreak product system name
item_brand String My supplier Citybreak supplier name
price Number 1234.00 Product price
item_category String Accommodation System category
item_category2 String    
item_category3 String    
item_category4 String    
item_category5 String    
quantity Number 1 Quantity of product
affiliation String 1234567890 Citybreak online identifier id
item_package_id Number 1234 Citybreak dynamic package system id OR iTicket bookingFlow system id
item_package_name String My Package Citybreak dynamic package system name OR iTicket bookingFlow system name

begin_checkout - This event signifies that a user has begun a checkout.

Event fires on .../paymentdetails

Example output

                        'ecommerce': {
                            'currency': "SEK",
			    'value': 1234.00,
                            'items': [{
                    'item_name': "My product",
                    'item_id': "123456",
		    'item_brand': "My supplier",
                    'price': 1234.00,
                    'item_category': "Accommodation",
                    'quantity': 1,
                    'affiliation': "1234567890"
Name Type Example value Description
currency String SEK Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.
value Number 1234.00 Value of products in the cart
items Array See Items The items for the event.

Items parameters

Name Type Example value Description
item_id String 123456 Citybreak product id
item_name String My product Citybreak product system name
item_brand String My supplier Citybreak supplier name
price Number 1234.00 Product price
item_brand String My supplier Citybreak supplier name
item_category String Accommodation System category
item_category2 String    
item_category3 String    
item_category4 String    
item_category5 String    
quantity Number 1 Quantity of product
affiliation String 1234567890 Citybreak online identifier id
item_package_id Number 1234 Citybreak dynamic package system id OR iTicket bookingFlow system id
item_package_name String My Package Citybreak dynamic package system name OR iTicket bookingFlow system name

purchase - This event signifies when one or more items is purchased by a user.

Event fires 1 time on .../confirmation

Example output

			    'event': "purchase",
                            'ecommerce': {
                                'transaction_id': "ABCD12",
                                'value': 1234.00,
                                'tax': 123.12,
                                'currency': "SEK",
                                'items': [{
                    'item_id': "123456",
                    'item_name': "My product",
		    'item_brand': "My supplier",
                    'item_category': "Accommodation",
                    'price': 1234.00,
                    'quantity': 1,
                    'affiliation': "1234567890"
Name Type Example value Description
transaction_id string ABCD12 Booking number
value Number 1234.00 Booking value
tax Number 123.12 Booking tax value
currency String SEK Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.
items Array See Items The items for the event.

Items parameters

Name Type Example value Description
item_id String 123456 Citybreak product id
item_name String My product Citybreak product system name
item_brand String My supplier Citybreak supplier name
price Number 1234.00 Product price
item_category String Accommodation System category
item_category2 String    
item_category3 String    
item_category4 String    
item_category5 String    
quantity Number 1 Quantity of product
affiliation String 1234567890 Citybreak online identifier id
item_package_id Number 1234 Citybreak dynamic package system id OR iTicket bookingFlow system id
item_package_name String My Package Citybreak dynamic package system name OR iTicket bookingFlow system name

remove_from_cart - This event signifies when items are removed from /basket by a user.

Event fires 1 time per user remove action on /basket

Example output

			    'event': "remove_from_cart",
                            'ecommerce': {
				'currency': "SEK",
				'value': 1234.00,
                                'items': [{
                    'item_id': "123456",
                    'item_name': "My product",
		    'item_brand': "My supplier",
                    'item_category': "Accommodation",
                    'price': 1234.00,
                    'quantity': 1,
                    'affiliation': "1234567890"
Name Type Example value Description
currency String SEK Currency of the items associated with the event, in 3-letter ISO 4217 format.
value Number 1234.00 Booking value
items Array See Items The items for the event.

Items parameters

Name Type Example value Description
item_id String 123456 Citybreak product id
item_name String My product Citybreak product system name
item_brand String My supplier Citybreak supplier name
price Number 1234.00 Product price
item_category String Accommodation System category
item_category2 String    
item_category3 String    
item_category4 String    
item_category5 String    
quantity Number 1 Quantity of product
affiliation String 1234567890 Citybreak online identifier id
item_package_id Number 1234 Citybreak dynamic package system id OR iTicket bookingFlow system id
item_package_name String My Package Citybreak dynamic package system name OR iTicket bookingFlow system name

Booking confimation urls


Language url
sv /Bekraftelse
da /Bekraftelse
de /Bestaetigung
es /confirmacion
fi /vahvistus
fr /confirmation
it /conferma
nl /bevestiging
no /bekreftelse
pt /confirmacao
en /confirmation
Not in list /confirmation

Note: After /confirmation we add unique parameters to define the booking

Online API

Some help full Citybreak online APIs you can use via a CMS site etc…

Linking API

Determine the link to a dynamic page irregardless of its language, there is an api endpoint available that either redirects or provides redirect information based on a query.

Linking to products:


Link to a supplier package


Bookable status API

Online bookable status API can be useful to find out if a product is bookable or not via a simple call. This can then be used to build a citybreak online widget in the CMS or similar to have a more dynamic implementation.
